Una nuova Hoax?

Forse abbiamo materiale per una nuova hoax, che ne pensate?

Mi ricorda un pò una puntata di futurama, quando lo starnuto di uno dei protagonisti uccide tutto un pianeta…

Le idiozie non hanno davvero mai fine!!!

Ammesso che le sonde Viking possano aver “inquinato” l’ecosistema di Marte (e già è poco probabile del momento che nella fase di integrazione delle sonde erano state prese tutte le precauzioni possibili), possono averlo fatto solo al livello “locale”.

E’ ridicolo pensare che un pianeta grande come Marte (d’accordo è più piccolo della Terra ma è sempre un posto enormemente vasto) possa aver sviluppato un ecosistema così “debole” da essere messo in crisi da addirittura due piccole sonde scese, tra l’altro, in posti lontanissimi tra loro.

Eppoi se si dovessero “incolpare” delle sonde queste sicuramente non sarebbero le due Viking visto che non sono stati i primi oggetti costruiti dall’uomo a scendere su Marte, anni prima alcune sonde russe della serie “Mars” erano atterrate (senza successo) sul pianeta rosso. Se contaminazione c’è stata (e non ci credo nemmeno un pò) può essere dipesa più dalle sonde russe (assemblate non in camera bianca) che da quelle americane.

Da quel che ho capito, non si sarebbe trattato di inquinamento microbico, ma di “uccisione” di forme di vita durante gli esami dei Viking volti a trovare forme di vita simili a quelle terrestri. Fa l’esempio di una doccia con acqua che avrebbe potuto fare l’effetto simile ad una doccia con calce viva su di una creaturina terricola…
La guerra dei mondi e’ iniziata! Aspettiamoci rappresaglie!


Io farei subito un indagine per controllare se cè un nesso con la morte di Lady Diana, l omicidio Kennedy o il crollo delle torri gemelle…

:grinning: :grinning: …Cosa vi siete persi !!! Stamattina su RDS hanno fatto sentire nientepopodimeno che i versi delle forme di vita calpestate dalle sonde americane !!!

:grinning: :grinning: ...Cosa vi siete persi !!! Stamattina su RDS hanno fatto sentire nientepopodimeno che i versi delle forme di vita calpestate dalle sonde americane !!!

HEeeeeeeeeee??? :scream: :scream: :scream: :scream:

HEeeeeeeeeee????????? :scream: :scream: :scream: :scream:

Appunto … :scream:

Ho letto il trafiletto di Repubblica.
Penso che sia utile trovare l’articolo originale. Vista così mi sembra la solita sparata del titolo esagerato, che poi cela qualcosa che non è nè nuovo, nè mai sentito: forse i Viking hanno cercato la vita con gli “occhiali” sbagliati… :roll_eyes:

HEeeeeeeeeee????????? :scream: :scream: :scream: :scream:

:smiley: Esatto… Joe, Max e Rossella hanno (scherzosamente) fatto sentire i versi di sofferenza (ahi ahiiii !!!) delle forme di vita calpestate dalle sonde Viking & co che toccarono il suolo marziano… un divertimento senza precedenti !!!

Le prime reazioni non si sono fatte attendere.

Penso che sia utile trovare l'articolo originale.

Eccolo: New Analysis of Viking Mission Results Indicates Presence of Life on Mars.

Paolo Amoroso

Tanto per rimanere in tema…
P.s. La notizia è stata data anche nel banner scorrevole del tg2 di ieri sera, come “Omicidio su Marte: la NASA ha annunciato che le uniche forme di vita del pianeta sarebbero state uccise da una sonda”

Forse abbiamo materiale per una nuova hoax, che ne pensate?


Caspita com’è diventato potente il telescopio Hubble, avete notato?

Paolo Amoroso

Riporto il testo dell’articolo in questione, per comodità di tutti.

News Service Washington State University Pullman, Washington

Dirk Schulze-Makuch, WSU School of Earth and Environmental Sciences

Cherie Winner, WSU News Service



PULLMAN, Wash. – We may already have ‘met’ Martian organisms, according to
a paper presented Sunday (Jan. 7) at the meeting of the American
Astronomical Society in Seattle.

Dirk Schulze-Makuch of Washington State University and Joop Houtkooper of
Justus-Liebig-University, Giessen, Germany, argue that even as new missions
to Mars seek evidence that the planet might once have supported life, we
already have data showing that life exists there now – data from
experiments done by the Viking Mars landers in the late 1970s.

“I think the Viking results have been a little bit neglected in the last 10
years or more,” said Schulze-Makuch. “But actually, we got a lot of data
there.” He said recent findings about Earth organisms that live in extreme
environments and improvements in our understanding of conditions on Mars
give astrobiologists new ways of looking at the 30-year-old data.

The researchers hypothesize that Mars is home to microbe-like organisms that
use a mixture of water and hydrogen peroxide as their internal fluid. Such a
mixture would provide at least three clear benefits to organisms in the
cold, dry Martian environment, said Schulze-Makuch. Its freezing point is as
low as -56.5 C (depending on the concentration of H2O2); below that
temperature it becomes firm but does not form cell-destroying crystals, as
water ice does; and H2O2 is hygroscopic, which means it attracts water vapor
from the atmosphere – a valuable trait on a planet where liquid water is

Schulze-Makuch said that despite hydrogen peroxide’s reputation as a
powerful disinfectant, the fluid is also compatible with biological
processes if it is accompanied by stabilizing compounds that protect cells
from its harmful effects. It performs useful functions inside cells of many
terrestrial organisms, including mammals. Some soil microbes tolerate high
levels of H2O2 in their surroundings, and the species Acetobacter peroxidans
uses hydrogen peroxide in its metabolism.

Possibly the most vivid use of hydrogen peroxide by an Earth organism is
performed by the bombardier beetle (Brachinus), which produces a solution of
25 percent hydrogen peroxide in water as a defensive spray. The noxious
liquid shoots from a special chamber at the beetle’s rear end when the
beetle is threatened.

He said scientists working on the Viking projects weren’t looking for
organisms that rely on hydrogen peroxide, because at the time nobody was
aware that such organisms could exist. The study of extremophiles, organisms
that thrive in conditions of extreme temperatures or chemical environments,
has just taken off since the 90s, well after the Viking experiments were

The researchers argue that hydrogen peroxide-containing organisms could have
produced almost all of the results observed in the Viking experiments.

  • Hydrogen peroxide is a powerful oxidant. When released from dying cells,
    it would sharply lower the amount of organic material in their surroundings.
    This would help explain why Viking’s gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer
    detected no organic compounds on the surface of Mars. This result has also
    been questioned recently by Rafael Navarro-Gonzalez of the University of
    Mexico, who reported that similar instruments and methodology are unable to
    detect organic compounds in places on Earth, such as Antarctic dry valleys,
    where we know soil microorganisms exist.

  • The Labeled Release experiment, in which samples of Martian soil (and
    putative soil organisms) were exposed to water and a nutrient source
    including radiolabeled carbon, showed rapid production of radiolabeled CO2
    which then leveled off. Schulze-Makuch said the initial increase could have
    been due to metabolism by hydrogen peroxide-containing organisms, and the
    leveling off could have been due to the organisms dying from exposure to the
    experimental conditions. He said that point has been argued for years by
    Gilbert Levin, who was a primary investigator on the original Viking team.
    The new hypothesis explains why the experimental conditions would have been
    fatal: microbes using a water-hydrogen peroxide mixture would either “drown”
    or burst due to water absorption, if suddenly exposed to liquid water.

  • The possibility that the tests killed the organisms they were looking for
    is also consistent with the results of the Pyrolytic Release experiment, in
    which radiolabeled CO2 was converted to organic compounds by samples of
    Martian soil. Of the seven tests done, three showed significant production
    of organic substances and one showed much higher production. The variation
    could simply be due to patchy distribution of microbes, said Schulze-Makuch.
    Perhaps most interesting was that the sample with the lowest production –
    lower even than the control – had been treated with liquid water.

The researchers acknowledge that their hypothesis requires further
exploration. “We can be absolutely wrong, and there might not be organisms
like that at all,” said Schulze-Makuch. “But it’s a consistent explanation
that would explain the Viking results.”

He said the Phoenix mission to Mars, which is scheduled for launch in
August, 2007, offers a good chance to further explore their hypothesis.
Although the mission’s experiments were not designed with
peroxide-containing organisms in mind, Phoenix will land in a sub-polar
area, whose low temperatures and relatively high atmospheric water vapor
(from the nearby polar ice caps) should provide better growing conditions
for such microbes than the more “tropical” region visited by Viking.
Schulze-Makuch said the tests planned for the mission, including the use of
two microscopes to examine samples at high magnification, could reveal
whether we had the answer all along – and if we’ve already introduced
ourselves to our Martian neighbors in a harsher way than we intended.

“If the hypothesis is true, it would mean that we killed the Martian
microbes during our first extraterrestrial contact, by drowning – due to
ignorance,” said Schulze-Makuch.

Penso che sia utile trovare l'articolo originale.

Voila http://arxiv.org/abs/physics/0610093

Penso che dopo aver letto il testo originale concorderete con me che più che una vera “notizia”, si è trattato dell’ennesimo esempio di come i media in genere sappiano trattare le notizie legate allo spazio: direi in modo tragi-demenzial-comico.
Uno studio interessante sulla possibilità dell’esistenza di vita microscopica, il cui liquido intracellulare potrebbe essere composto da H2O2, si trasforma nella cronaca di un omicidio interplanetario.

A queste condizioni, fare informazione seria e coerente su questi temi diventa impossibile.

Complimenti alla redazione di Repubblica ! :rage:

A queste condizioni, fare informazione seria e coerente su questi temi diventa impossibile.

Complimenti alla redazione di Repubblica ! :rage:

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