Astronauta Vance D. Brand

Dati personali

Nome Vance D. Brand
Data di nascita 1931-05-09
Nazionalità :us:
Tipo Governativo
Affiliazione National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Status Ritiratǝ
Tempo nello spazio 31 giorni, 2 ore, 2 minuti, 55 secondi [1]
Tempo in EVA -
Wikipedia Vance_Brand

Note biografiche

(Traduzione automatica) Vance DeVoe Brand is an American former naval officer and aviator, aeronautical engineer, test pilot, and NASA astronaut. He served as Command Module Pilot during the first U.S.-Soviet joint spaceflight in 1975, and as Commander of three Space Shuttle missions.

His flight experience includes 9,669 flying hours, which includes 8,089 hours in jets, 391 hours in helicopters, 746 hours in spacecraft, and checkout in more than 30 types of military aircraft. Vance Brand Airport in Longmont, Colorado, is named in his honor.


Dal Al Destinazione Lancio Veicolo spaziale
Orbita bassa terrestre Saturn IB | Apollo-Sojuz Test Project Apollo CSM-111
Orbita bassa terrestre Space Shuttle Columbia / OV-102 | STS-5 Space Shuttle Columbia
Orbita bassa terrestre Space Shuttle Challenger / OV-099 | STS-41-B Space Shuttle Challenger
Orbita bassa terrestre Space Shuttle Columbia / OV-102 | STS-35 Space Shuttle Columbia

Ultimo aggiornamento: 2024-02-16T01:29:59 con AstronautiBOT 13.3 - Fonte: LaunchLibrary2 API

  1. Per gli astronauti attualmente in volo questo dato è aggiornato all’ultimo aggiornamento di questa scheda. ↩︎