Astronauta Daniel T. Barry

Dati personali

Nome Daniel T. Barry
Data di nascita 1953-12-30
Nazionalità :us:
Tipo Governativo
Affiliazione National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Status Ritiratǝ
Tempo nello spazio 30 giorni, 14 ore, 25 minuti, 45 secondi [1]
Tempo in EVA 25 ore, 49 minuti
Wikipedia Daniel_Barry

Note biografiche

(Traduzione automatica) Daniel Thomas Barry is an American engineer, scientist, and a retired NASA astronaut. He was a contestant on the CBS reality television program Survivor: Panama, as well as on BattleBots on ABC. He was at Singularity University from 2009–2012, where he was co-chair of the Faculty of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics and the chair of the graduate summer program. He is also a co-founder of Fellow Robots, a telepresence robotics company and the founder and president of Denbar Robotics.


Dal Al Destinazione Lancio Veicolo spaziale
Orbita bassa terrestre Space Shuttle Endeavour / OV-105 | STS-72 Space Shuttle Endeavour
International Space Station Space Shuttle Discovery / OV-103 | STS-96 Space Shuttle Discovery
International Space Station Space Shuttle Discovery / OV-103 | STS-105 Space Shuttle Discovery

Ultimo aggiornamento: 2024-02-16T00:45:12 con AstronautiBOT 13.3 - Fonte: LaunchLibrary2 API

  1. Per gli astronauti attualmente in volo questo dato è aggiornato all’ultimo aggiornamento di questa scheda. ↩︎