Astronauta Daniel W. Bursch

Dati personali

Nome Daniel W. Bursch
Data di nascita 1957-07-25
Nazionalità :us:
Tipo Governativo
Affiliazione National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Status Ritiratǝ
Tempo nello spazio 226 giorni, 22 ore, 15 minuti, 22 secondi [1]
Tempo in EVA 11 ore, 46 minuti
Wikipedia Daniel_Bursch

Note biografiche

(Traduzione automatica) Daniel Wheeler Bursch is a former NASA astronaut, and Captain of the United States Navy. He had four spaceflights, the first three of which were Space Shuttle missions lasting 10 to 11 days each. His fourth and final spaceflight was a long-duration stay aboard the International Space Station as a crew member of Expedition 4, which lasted from December 2001 to June 2002. This 196-day mission set a new record for the longest duration spaceflight for an American astronaut, a record simultaneously set with his crew mate Carl Walz. Their record has since been broken, and as of 2016 it is held by Scott Kelly, who flew a 340 day mission during Expeditions 43, 44 and 45.


Dal Al Destinazione Lancio Veicolo spaziale
Orbita bassa terrestre Space Shuttle Discovery / OV-103 | STS-51 Space Shuttle Discovery
Orbita bassa terrestre Space Shuttle Endeavour / OV-105 | STS-68 Space Shuttle Endeavour
Orbita bassa terrestre Space Shuttle Endeavour / OV-105 | STS-77 Space Shuttle Endeavour
International Space Station Space Shuttle Endeavour / OV-105 | STS-111 Space Shuttle Endeavour


Expedition Ruolo Inizio Fine Durata
Expedition 4 Flight Engineer 2001-12-07 2002-06-15 189:18:29:00

Ultimo aggiornamento: 2025-02-05T00:40:01 con AstronautiBOT 15.1 - Fonte: LaunchLibrary2 API

  1. Per gli astronauti attualmente in volo questo dato è aggiornato all’ultimo aggiornamento di questa scheda. ↩︎