Due nuovi libri NASA disponibili on line gratuitamente

Nel solco della tradizionale apertura alla divulgazione astronautica, di cui la NASA è maestra assoluta, vi inoltro la nota di Sephen J. Garber, capo dell’ufficio storico della NASA.

The NASA History Division is pleased to announce the availability of two new on-line publications. The first is W. Hewitt Phillips' Journey Into Space Research: Continuation of a Career at NASA Langley Research Center (NASA SP-2005-4540). This monograph is only available on-line at http://history.nasa.gov/SP-4540/sp4540_1.pdf on the Web. (If your browser does not open a table of contents with a link to the second half of this, go to http://history.nasa.gov/SP-4540/sp4540_2.pdf). This monograph is essentially the "space sequel" to Hewitt Phillips' earlier autobiographical monograph (#12) that focuses on aeronautics. Thanks to Todd Messer and Shelley Kilmer-Gaul for formatting this for the Web.

On the Moon with Apollo 16: A Guide to the Descartes Region
http://history.nasa.gov/EP-95/ep95.htm (NASA EP-95, 1972) is also
available on-line at http://history.nasa.gov/EP-95/ep95.htm on the Web.
Special thanks to volunteer Chris Gamble, who formatted this publication
for the Web.

Stephen Garber
NASA History Division
Room CO72
NASA Headquarters
Washington, DC 20546
202-358-0385 phone
202-358-2866 fax

A questo proposito vorrei citare alcuni libri (ebook) che si trovano on-line scaricabili gratuitamente.
Un esempio di questi è:
SP−4221 The Space Shuttle Decision
Questo il link da cui scaricarlo in formato pdf. altrimenti ci sono altri modi!
A presto con altri ebook…

Ottimo! Grazie ad entrambi :wink: