EbS * COROT - the Exoplanet Hunter

COROT - the Exoplanet Hunter
ESA TV Exchanges

Replay 1: 20 June 2006 - 15:00-15:15 GMT

Replay 2: 24 June 2006 - 10:30-10:45 GMT

The script is online as a PDF file under http://television.esa.int/photos/EbS46713.pdf

A WMV preview file is online under http://esatv-movies.e-vision.nl/videos/mphi/corot_vnr_18-05-06_06062006.wmv

This ESA TV Exchanges feed is transmitted by the European Commission’s “Europe by Satellite” (EbS) service. You can find the complete transmission schedule and download scripts and shot lists, also for ESA TV items, from the EbS Web site at http://europa.eu.int/comm/ebs/schedule.cfm

More backgroud information can be found on: http://www.spaceflight.esa.int/users/index.cfm?act=default.page&level=1c&page=adv-ug

Horizontal, F=12,476 MHz (MCPC, Europe by Satellite)
SR=27,500 MS/sec, FEC=3/4

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COROT and the new chapter of planetary searches
European Space Agency
14 November 2006

The launch of COROT on 21 December 2006 is a long awaited event in the
quest to find planets beyond our Solar System. Searching from above the
Earth’s atmosphere, COROT - the CNES project with ESA participation -
will be the first space mission specifically dedicated to the search
extrasolar planets.

COROT is expected to greatly enlarge the number of known exoplanets
during its two-year mission and provide the first detection of rocky
planets, perhaps just a few times the mass of the Earth.

“COROT could detect so many planets of this new type, together with
plenty of the old type that astronomers will be able to make
studies of them,” says Malcolm Fridlund, ESA’s Project Scientist for

This will allow astronomers to more accurately predict the number and
type of planets that will be found around other stars.

The world of astronomy changed forever on 6 October 1995, when Michel
Mayor and Didier Queloz of the Geneva Observatory announced the first
discovery of a planet around a star similar to the Sun. As well as
celebration, there was surprise because 51 Pegasi b, as the planet
became known, was half the mass of Jupiter and orbiting much closer to
its parent star than expected. Whereas Mercury orbits the Sun at 57.9
million kilometres in 88 days, 51 Pegasi b shoots around its orbit in
just 4.23 days. This indicated that the planet was just 7.8 million
kilometres from its star.

An American team led by Geoff Marcy, San Francisco State University,
Paul Butler, University of California, Berkeley, soon discovered other
planets around other stars. They too were large, Jupiter-like planets
extremely close orbits.

These planets had not been seen directly. Instead, their presence had
been inferred by the gravitational pull they exerted on their parent
star. The astronomers had measured the wobble of the star through
changes in its light, and used this data to calculate the orbit and
minimum mass of the planet.

COROT relies on a new way of detecting planets. As tens of thousands of
people witnessed on 8 June 2004, a planet moving across the face of the
star creates a noticeable silhouette. On that day, onlookers watched
black dot of Venus slip across the Sun’s bright surface.

COROT is designed to detect such transits of extrasolar planets across
the faces of their parent stars. It will monitor the brightness of
stars, looking for the slight drop in light caused by the passage of
planet. Because this relies on the chance alignment of the star and the
planet with Earth, a large number of stars must be monitored to make
certain of seeing enough events. COROT will monitor hundreds of
thousands of stars. “The first target field is towards the galactic
centre. Then the spacecraft will turn towards Orion,” says Fridlund.

COROT will be the first extrasolar planet search mission capable of
seeing the smaller, rocky worlds; although they will have to be in
orbits around their stars. COROT also opens the way for the future. Two
years later, in October 2008, NASA will launch Kepler, a space
with a 0.95 metre mirror. Kepler works the same way as COROT, looking
for planetary transits, and is expected to find the first Earth-sized
planets in similar orbits to our world.

Following Kepler, a new technique will be needed. The problem is that
the larger the telescope’s mirror, the smaller its field of view
becomes. So building a larger telescope to reach fainter stars means
restricting the area of sky it looks at. Although seeing fainter stars
brings gains, the field of view shrinks, leaving fewer stars in total

Claude Catala, Observatoire de Paris-Meudon, amongst others has
a method that may solve this problem. Instead of a larger space
telescope with a smaller field of view, the new proposal uses hundreds
of 10-cm telescopes in parallel.

Each telescope is smaller than most amateur astronomers use on Earth
each has a wide field of view, 30 degrees across. That’s about 60 times
the width of the full Moon. Because they are so small, each tiny
telescope is incapable of collecting enough light on its own to make a
useable image. However, a computer on the proposed spacecraft would
combine the faint images recorded by each tiny telescope. This would
give enough information to detect transits. Thus, the future of
detecting planetary transits may be to launch a spacecraft that
hundreds of mini-telescopes.

After this, the next big leap in planetary searches is likely to be the
isolation of reflected light from a planet. This would allow the
planet’s atmosphere to be chemically analysed. In the case of an
Earth-like world, the analysis could reveal signs of life. ESA is
currently developing the necessary technology to make such a mission
possible. They are developing it under the name of Darwin, to be
possibly launched after 2020.

For more information

Malcolm Fridlund, ESA COROT Project Scientist
Email: Malcolm.fridlund @ esa.int

Una missione straordinariamente interessante, anche per le notevoli implicazioni insite nella possibilità di osservare non solo giganti gassosi, intorno ad altre stelle, ma anche (e sopratutto) corpi più piccoli come la Terra.

Spero che il buon Paolo Ulivi possa rendere disponibile qualche informazione in più riguardo quest’affascinante missione.

Una piccola domanda: sistemi automatici come questo come vengono considerati??
Ovvero sono ritenuti sempre e comunque satelliti artificiali, dato che orbitano intorno alla Terra, o possono (data la loro funzione) essere assimilati a delle sonde??

Una missione straordinariamente interessante, anche per le notevoli implicazioni insite nella possibilità di osservare non solo giganti gassosi, intorno ad altre stelle, ma anche (e sopratutto) corpi più piccoli come la Terra.

Spero che il buon Paolo Ulivi possa rendere disponibile qualche informazione in più riguardo quest’affascinante missione.

Una piccola domanda: sistemi automatici come questo come vengono considerati??
Ovvero sono ritenuti sempre e comunque satelliti artificiali, dato che orbitano intorno alla Terra, o possono (data la loro funzione) essere assimilati a delle sonde??

Grazie della stima :wink: ma a parte un articolo sull’ultimo numero di Espace Magazine e qualcosa su “le stelle” conosco poco Corot. Ricordo di aver visto di recente qualche articolo su ArXiv (http://it.arxiv.org)
Da notare che dovrebbe essere seguito tra pochi anni da un altro cacciatore di pianeti: il Kepler della NASA che finora e’ l’unico satellite artificiale della famiglia Discovery di sonde interplanetarie

Qualche articolo tecnico

Stamane l’ESA ha trasmesso un mini documentario sulla missione.
Il file è scaricabile direttamente dal sito ESA al seguente indirizzo:
Mpeg-2 (8.448 MBit/sec - 303 MB)

Qualche snapshot del documentario ESA.
Ricordo che chiunque abbia una parabola puntata su HotBird 13°E (il satellite di Sky Italia insomma) può vedersi queste trasmissioni sul canale EBS (Europe By Satellite).
La programmazione è disponibile su http://television.esa.int.