Il 17/6 sarà rivelata la data di lancio di STS-121

June 13, 2006

Allard Beutel
Headquarters, Washington

Bruce Buckingham
Kennedy Space Center, Fla.



NASA officials will host a news conference no earlier than 2 p.m. EDT,
Saturday, June 17, following a two-day detailed assessment of the
readiness of Space Shuttle Discovery for launch. The briefing will
air live on NASA TV from the Kennedy Space Center, Fla.

The news conference follows the traditional Flight Readiness Review, a
thorough assessment of preparations for the mission. The June 16-17
meeting is designed to produce a number of key decisions about
Discovery’s mission, STS-121, including selection of an official
launch date.

The specific start time of the news conference is dependent on the
meeting’s conclusion. Only reporters at Kennedy Space Center will be
able to ask questions. Participants:

– Michael Griffin, NASA Administrator
– Bill Gerstenmaier, associate administrator for Space Operations
– Wayne Hale, Space Shuttle Program manager
– Mike Leinbach, NASA launch director

NASA TV’s Public, Education and Media channels are available on an
MPEG-2 digital C-band signal accessed via satellite AMC-6; 72 degrees
west longitude, transponder 17C, 4040 MHz, vertical polarization. In
Alaska and Hawaii, they’re on AMC-7; 137 degrees west longitude,
transponder 18C, at 4060 MHz, horizontal polarization. For digital
downlink and NASA TV information, including links to streaming video,

For information about the STS-121 crew and mission to the
International Space Station, visit:


Speriamo non sia una rivelazione ma una conferma…

Non resta che attendere sabato prossimo … :roll_eyes:

Da quanto ho letto (SpaceflightNow) sembra che ci sarebbero dei problemi per le riprese con le telecamere del lancio dal 1° fino al 3/4 luglio. In pratica per avere una ottima visuale di possibili distacchi di foam (incrociamo le dita che NON ci siano) si dovrebbe rimandare di qualche giorno il lancio (che ricordo ha una finestra fino al 19 luglio).

Ecco il pezzo:
[i]NASA managers today cleared the shuttle Discovery’s external fuel tank for flight based on wind tunnel data and computer modeling that show the huge tank can stand up to the aerodynamic rigors of launch despite the recent removal of long foam wind deflectors. Launch currently is targeted for July 1, at 3:48 p.m., but the long-awaited flight could slip another day or so to ensure better lighting for critical photography of the tank after Discovery reaches orbit. NASA managers are expected to discuss the lighting issue during a weekly review Thursday.

Discovery’s launch window is defined, in part, by a requirement to launch in daylight and to have the external tank separate from the orbiter in daylight, half a world away. The goal is to obtain good photos of the tank’s redesigned foam insulation as well as the shuttle’s heat-shield tiles and wing leading edge panels to spot any potential impact damage.

As it turns out, a new analysis of orbital lighting conditions shows a camera mounted in the belly of the shuttle will not have enough light for good photography if Discovery takes off July 1. Conditions improve on July 2 and subsequent days.

Even then, lighting is not expected to be acceptable for crew handheld still and video photography until around July 5. But the critical driver is the umbilical camera, which is positioned to provide good views of foam ramps around external fittings on the tank that carry pressurization lines. [/i]

intero articolo a:

Spero vivamente tengano la data del 1° luglio perchè se dovessero rimandare, dal 3 luglio addio foto… qui ci sarebbe ancora il Sole… :cry:

Non voglio fare un ragionamento forzatamente denigratorio, comunque pensateci un attimo: un mezzo spaziale da miliardi di dollari, che doveva volare oltre decina (ad orbiter) di volte l’anno, che non si fa decollare perchè una telecamera di servizio non riceve la luce giusta…
Ma quanta sfiducia hanno ormai in questo glorioso mezzo…