Il volo di Paolo Nespoli

Amici, vi segnalo che sia il sito ESA che (!!!) ASI hanno del materiale relativo alla conferenza stampa di Nespoli degli scorsi giorni.
Vi inviterei a mettere al sicuro le foto disponibili sul sito ASI prima che spariscano :grinning:

Oh cielo!
Ci dobbiamo preoccupare?

Chiaramente non sono state date tutte le informazioni perchè Nespoli dovrà anche effettuare una serie di esperimenti ASI che vi elenco:

Hand Posture Analizer (HPA)
To investigate the performance degradation of the human upper limb muscle-skeletal apparatus and its morphological/functional modifications during long term exposition to weightlessness and to study the role of gravity in the planning/execution hierarchy of reaching, grasping, manipulating and transporting objects.

ALTEA (che già conoscete da

  • Study the interactions between cosmic radiation in microgravity and Central Nervous System functions
  • Define risk parameters associated with such interactions
  • Individuate ions/energies with highest risks
  • Propose specific shielding countermeasures
  • Study ISS radiation environment

Understanding how the use of colours may improve the psychological and physical health state of man in space

Understanding the effect of the exposure to microgravity on FRTL5 cells. Cells in the proliferative state were found to be differently sensitive to space environment-related effects, as compared to cells in physiological stand-by.

The exposure to microgravity conditions results in impairment of the immune function. Dendritic cells control immune function: they capture and process antigens, present antigens to lymphocytes, express molecules which co-stimulate lymphocytes, induce tolerance towards self-antigens.
DC are the object of intensive investigation because of their role in autoimmune disorders, allergy, immune response to infectious deseases and cancer.
The aim of the proposed experiment is to investigate whether the maturation of DC from monocytes of astronauts is altered postflight.

Effects of microG and radiation conditions on Artemia Salina eggs – experiment proposed by school students

Grazie come sempre Buran per le tue preziose info :slight_smile:

Oh cielo! Un AGGIORNAMENTO del sito ASI ?? Ci dobbiamo preoccupare?

:scream: :? :roll_eyes: Accendo un cero và …

Speriamo che qualcosa si muova finalmente…

Vi allego l’articolo, pubblicato su Air Press del 17/03/07, relativo alla partecipazione del MARS alla missione di Nespoli.

“Telespazio parteciperà con il MARS alla missione di Nespoli”