there NO primary Russian computers on Board of ISS !
they are 6 German Computer
(bulid by Siemens Fuji for EDAS Astrium Space Transportation, by ordered of Roskosmos)
info German TV
Powersupply in ISS
the Solar Array give 160 to 180 Volt dc
the US ISS part use 124 Volt dc (Transform to 28 Volt dc for some instrument)
but Russian ISS Part use only 28 Volt dc
11 June to 13 June
Installement of S3/S4 to S1 Truss
They find that The S3/S4 SARJ motor control circuits were wired in reverse
(question wat else is wired in reverse in S3/S4 ???)
14 June 06:30 UTC
NASA begin to roll up P6 Solar Array on Z1 Modul by Remote from Ground
the Computer in Russian Part of ISS crash, lost of Station Control system.
Crew Restart one Computer
14 june 11:43 false Fire Alarm in ISS awakende the Crew of ISS and Atlantis
The P6 array was furled to a little more than half it’s original length.
durnig the day the complet Computer system Crash!
left the station without thrusters, oxygen generation, carbon dioxide scrubber, and other environmental control systems, which caused temperatures to rise. Atlantis has to kep ISS in Postion
15 june
The primary computers are back online and talking to the US side of the station
by bypassing a circuit. Secondary systems are still offline
start of Media Histeria about “ISS gonna Crash on Earth” in German Press
16 to 18 June
All Computer are back online and will be tested within the next day or two
Computer problems on ISS resolved further, with all 6 processors available (4 online and 2 standby)
19 June
the Computer are O.K. after 2 day Test.
Info NASA and Wikipedia
Future Problem
wat happen if S5 Segment ist installt ?
and P6 out on P5 Segment and power Up ?
again Computer Crash ???
ATV Jule Verne and Module Columbus use same computer system from EADS Astrium Space Transportation!
Not surely, SPOE boards have an hight rate of faults (relatively in a space program…).
We can hope in the new versions…
T.T (Touched Testicles)
PS. Admin va bene come filosofia se un thread è stato aperto in inglese proseguire così per rispetto a chi scrive oppure teniamo la regola dell’italica lingua?! per me è indifferente, solo per far una gentilezza a michel…
Mah… io avevo capito di usare l’italiano… visto che il forum era italiano e per leggere forum in inglese ce ne sono altri… per questo avevo capito che michel van giustamente scriveva in inglese e noi rispondevamo in italiano… o sbaglio?
Si, questo è consolidato. Solo che mi ha messo in dubbio il fatto che il thread sia stato iniziato in inglese, tutto qui… nessun problema, narrerò in italico idioma…
Per noi se continui a scrivere in inglese è perfetto, se non ci sono problemi nel tradurre i nostri post direi di continuare così.
E grazie dei complimenti, da uno straniero che potrebbe frequentare altri forum in altre lingue il complimento vale doppio!