Lancio satellite Met-Op

Oggi sembra essere tutto pronto per il lancio, aspettiamo e vediamo che succede… :smiley: Il lancio è previsto per le 18:28 italiane.

Niente neanche oggi, il countdown è stato bloccato a -2min e 19sec…

Ad Arianespace saranno tutti “minimamente” turbati?? :? :frowning:

Ad Arianespace saranno tutti "minimamente" turbati?? :? :(

Ad Arianespace non so, ma ho sentito un mio amico che sta ad ESOC e mi hanno detto che erano tutti piuttosto “concetrati” sull’argomento… :wink:

Ad Arianespace saranno tutti "minimamente" turbati?? :? :(

Beh ma non è la prima volta che per lanci di questo genere vengono effettuati così tanti rinvii… aspettiamo il momento buono… :smiley:

Ok, rispolveriamo l’antico detto … "Tacta testicula … " :wink:

Lancio sospeso fino a nuovo ordine. :frowning:
Il razzo sta per essere riportato nel suo hangar di assemblaggio, mentre si cerca di comprendere bene quali siano le cause del problema rilevato.

Ecco la press-release EUMETSAT:

July 20, 2006 Launch of first MetOp satellite postponed until further notice The third attempt to launch the MetOp satellite on a Soyuz/ST launcher had to be aborted yesterday at only 3 minutes 5 seconds before the scheduled lift-off. [E-Mail link]

Preliminary investigations established that the cause for the mission abort arose in the Soyuz ground support system in Baikonur. Starsem and its Russian partners therefore decided in agreement with EUMETSAT and ESA to suspend launch operations rather than put the mission at risk.

The launch vehicle and its satellite will now be returned to the launcher integration facility. In parallel, a new operations plan will be developed to determine the new launch date.

The first launch attempt on Monday, 17 July, was aborted due to an incorrect parameter value on the ground system of the launcher. The error was corrected and verified on a reference platform. The second launch attempt on 18 July failed shortly after the fuelling sequence of the launcher was restarted. Unexpected telemetry readings resulting from the partially fuelled configuration led to this second interruption of the launch sequence.

Once launched, the first European operational meteorological satellite in polar orbit, MetOp, will revolutionise the way the Earth’s weather, climate and environment are observed. The MetOp series of satellites is expected to significantly improve operational meteorology through the provision of additional data for Numerical Weather Prediction Models and will also provide an important contribution towards the improvement of severe weather forecasts and disaster mitigation.

All MetOp satellites are developed by a joint EUMETSAT and European Space Agency (ESA) team, with EADS Astrium as the prime contractor. A total of 11 instruments are aboard the MetOp satellites, which are provided by EUMETSAT, ESA, the French Space Agency (CNES), and the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).