Luci di posizione Apollo

Ho una domanda per tutti gli smanettoni del web e per ci ne sa più di me.

Se non sbaglio in maniera grossolana sia sul LM che sulla capsula Apollo c’erano delle luci di posizione stroboscopiche per potersi individuare l’un l’altro in orbita lunare. Qualcuno sa indicarmi una immagine che spieghi dove si trovavano e più o meno come fossero fatte? Mi interessano in particolar modo quelle della capsula.
Grazie a tutti e birra pagata a chi mi fornisce una soluzione! :beer:

Ho trovato questo googleando

Other lighting. - Lighting for the tunnel area was provided by six incandescent fixtures, each containing two miniature 28-volt dc lamps (fig. 4). Exterior lighting (fig. 5) consisted of a docking spotlight, eight orientation or identification lights (four amber, two red, and two green), a rendezvous flashing beacon, and a white floodlight for EVA’S. The docking spotlight was electrically deployed on a spring-mounted door and projected a light beam 21.3 meters (70 feet) in diameter at a range of 61 meters (200 feet). The orientation lights were small lamps spaced around the service module (SM) f o r position identification by other vehicles. The rendezvous flashing beacon, located in the forward section of the SM, used a xenon tube that flashed at a rate of 1 flash/sec for a duration of 20 milliseconds and was visible by telescope f o r 297 kilometers (160 nautical miles). The beacon w a s used f o r long-distance identification by the lunar module (LM) crew when approaching the CM. The white floodlight (EVA light), also located in the forward section of the SM, was spring loaded to deploy when the boost protective cover was jettisoned. The floodlight was used to illuminate the hatch area and the side of the CM during EVA. The tunnel lighting and all exterior lighting were relatively trouble free during the entire program.

Ed intanto grazie! :clap: Birra guadagnata. Poi vediamo se qualcuno mi sa indicare ancora qualche altra immagine.

P.S. Ho provato a googolare anch’io, ma non avevo ottenuto nulla, sei stato veramente bravo Riky! :star_struck:

I due libri: Virtual LEM e Virtual Apollo sono ricchi di informazioni e corredati da disegni esplicativi in merito; ti consiglierei l’acquisto!