There are a number of on-line items that may interest readers of the
NASA History listserv, in addition to the upcoming RFP on deep space
navigation and the societal impact conference that Steve Dick mentioned
earlier this week.
First, attached is the new May 2006 NASA History News and Notes
newsletter. It is also available on-line from
http://history.nasa.gov/nltrc.pdf and older newsletter issues are
available from http://history.nasa.gov/histnews.htm online.
Second, we have a number of new written materials on-line. Steve Dick’s
latest “Why We Explore” essay is online from
http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/exploration/whyweexplore/ on the Web.
Third, we have a set of consolidated finding aids for researchers
interested in NASA oral histories at
http://history.nasa.gov/oralhistory/ohcatalog.htm online.
Fourth, two other hard copy books are now available electronically.
Dreams, Hopes, and Realities: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, the
First Forty Years (NASA SP-4312, 1999) by Lane E. Wallace is now at
http://history.nasa.gov/SP-4312/sp4312.htm online. This richly
illustrated book is a good overview of NASA Goddard’s history. The Birth
of NASA: The Diary of T. Keith Glennan
(NASA SP-4105, 1993) is
also available electronically now at
http://history.nasa.gov/SP-4105/sp4105.htm online. Special thanks to
volunteer Chris Gamble, who formatted both of these publications for the
Last, but not least, Joseph R… Chambers’ Innovation in Flight: Research
of the NASA Langley Research Center on Revolutionary Advanced Concepts
for Aeronautics (NASA SP-2005-4539) is now available (only) on-line at
http://history.nasa.gov/monograph39/mon39_a.pdf on the Web.
Stephen Garber
NASA History Division
Room CO72
NASA Headquarters
Washington, DC 20546
202-358-0385 phone
202-358-2866 fax