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Viaggereste su un CEV costruito su appalto dalla Lockeed Martin?

Leggete questo branetto ripreso da nasawatch.com:

Genesis Crash Report to be Issued

Lockheed rapped for skipping Genesis test, Rocky Mountain News

“Lockheed Martin failed to do a critical prelaunch test that would have uncovered the flaw that doomed NASA’s $264 million Genesis capsule, investigators have concluded. The test would have revealed that four tiny switches designed to trigger the release of the Denver-built capsule’s parachutes were installed backward. The installation error, combined with the omitted test, sealed the fate of the blunt-nosed capsule, said Michael Ryschkewitsch, chairman of the Genesis Mishap Investigation Board.”

Editor’s note: Previous LockMart crashes: MPL: tests not performed - spacecraft crashed; Mars Climate Orbiter: metric/english conversion not done - spacecraft burned up - then crashed; NOAA-N: 24 bolts missing in support stand - spacecraft dropped - crashed - on floor. The tally for taxpayers is getting close to $1 billion for all these crashes.

Forse ho capito perchè nei disegni preliminari del CEV si nota molto la somiglianza con il progetto Boeing invece che di quello LokMart…
Un miliardo di dollari in errori banali come questi fa quasi venire voglia di piangere…

E’ deprecabile giocare con i soldi di chi paga le tasse…e spero che questi signori non si mettano anche a giocare con la vita degli astronauti… :rage: :rage: :rage: