Accordo di cooperazione sulla ISS.

Ho trovato l’accordo siglato tra i vari parteners della Iss redatto per la definizione della cooperazione,condivisione dei dati e quant’altro a bordo della stazione spaziale,in riferimento alla discussione presente a questo topic .Essenzialmente per quanto la stazione sia internazionale vi è un divisione dei compiti abbastanza “rigida” per esempio

Article 10 Operation The Partners, acting through their Cooperating Agencies, shall have responsibilities in the operation of the elements they respectively provide, in accordance with Article 7 and other relevant provisions of this Agreement, and in accordance with the MOUs and implementing arrangements. The Partners, acting through their Cooperating Agencies, shall develop and implement procedures for operating the Space Station in a manner that is safe, efficient, and effective for Space Station users and operators, in accordance with the MOUs and implementing arrangements. Further, each Partner, acting through its Cooperating Agency, shall be responsible for sustaining the functional performance of the elements it provides.

Interessante notare come la condivisione dei dati sia anch’essa nn totalmente “internazionale”,infatti:

1. Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, each Partner, acting through its Cooperating Agency shall transfer all technical data and goods considered to be necessary (by both parties to any transfer) to fulfill the responsibilities of that Partner's Cooperating Agency under the relevant MOUs and implementing arrangements. Each Partner undertakes to handle expeditiously any request for technical data or goods presented by the Cooperating Agency of another Partner for the purposes of Space Station cooperation. This Article shall not require a Partner State to transfer any technical data and goods in contravention of its national laws or regulations. 2. The Partners shall make their best efforts to handle expeditiously requests for authorization of transfers of technical data and goods by persons or entities other than the Partners or their Cooperating Agencies (for example, company-to-company exchanges which are likely to develop), and they shall encourage and facilitate such transfers in connection with the Space Station cooperation under this Agreement. Otherwise, such transfers are not covered by the terms and conditions of this Article. National laws and regulations shall apply to such transfers. 3. The Partners agree that transfers of technical data and goods under this Agreement shall be subject to the restrictions set forth in this paragraph (...)

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