Apollo 13: Survival

Segnalo un bel documentario uscito su Netflix pochi mesi fa dedicato alla missione Apollo 13. E’ realizzato montando materiale d’archivio, comprese le interviste all’equipaggio e ai familiari.

I trailer (originale e in italiano)

Space.com ha intervistato il regista.

By combing through a mountain of NASA archival footage, mission stills, and interviews with the astronauts and their families, Middleton and his producing partners have composed an emotional portrait of the many flight engineers, astrophysicists, scientists, mission control personnel, and the astronauts’ wives who held their collective breaths while the Apollo 13 crew raced against time to survive. […]

“This was the stuff of sci-fi comics and to have access to all that material, we sensed that we had to give it the scope to make something that was more experiential, that could immerse the audience in the unfolding drama of that crisis,” he notes. “That was our ambition, to try and put the audience in the cockpit. Experiencing it as Lovell, Haise and Swigert. The other key space is Mission Control, that room is so evocative, with the the swirls of cigarette smoke and smell of stale pizza in there.”

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