Astronauta John M. Grunsfeld

Dati personali

Nome John M. Grunsfeld
Data di nascita 1958-10-10
Nazionalità :us:
Tipo Governativo
Affiliazione National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Status Ritiratǝ
Tempo nello spazio 58 giorni, 15 ore, 3 minuti, 26 secondi [1]
Tempo in EVA 58 ore, 30 minuti
Twitter @SciAstro
Wikipedia John_Grunsfeld

Note biografiche

(Traduzione automatica) John Mace Grunsfeld is an American physicist and a former NASA astronaut. He is a veteran of five Space Shuttle flights and has served as NASA Chief Scientist. His academic background includes research in high energy astrophysics, cosmic ray physics and the emerging field of exoplanet studies with specific interest in future astronomical instrumentation. After retiring from NASA in 2009, he served as the Deputy Director of the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Maryland. In January 2012, he returned to NASA and served as associate administrator of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate (SMD). Grunsfeld announced his retirement from NASA in April 2016.


Dal Al Destinazione Lancio Veicolo spaziale
Orbita bassa terrestre Space Shuttle Endeavour / OV-105 | STS-67 Space Shuttle Endeavour
Mir Space Shuttle Atlantis / OV-104 | STS-81 Space Shuttle Atlantis
Orbita bassa terrestre Space Shuttle Discovery / OV-103 | STS-103 Space Shuttle Discovery
Orbita bassa terrestre Space Shuttle Columbia / OV-102 | STS-109 Space Shuttle Columbia
Orbita bassa terrestre Space Shuttle Atlantis / OV-104 | STS-125 Space Shuttle Atlantis

Ultimo aggiornamento: 2024-04-25T06:06:39 con AstronautiBOT 14.4 - Fonte: LaunchLibrary2 API

  1. Per gli astronauti attualmente in volo questo dato è aggiornato all’ultimo aggiornamento di questa scheda. ↩︎