Call for submissions: THE SECRET LUNAR WARS

L’IT ed autore, Bruce Webster, ha annunciato di voler raccogliere dei racconti da inserire nella prossima antologia The Secret Lunar Wars che potrebbe iniziare cosi:

"The President of the United States looked across the Oval Office desk at the Director of NASA, a holdover from the prior administration. “I’m sorry it’s taken so long to have this meeting, but I’m still getting a handle on this job. That said, let me cut to the chase: we sent men to the Moon roughly a half a century ago, but have done nothing since. Why?”

The Director bit his lip, grimaced a bit, then said, “To talk about that, we’ll need to bring the Secretary of Defense and the Director of National Intelligence into the discussion.”

The President, startled, asked, “Why, for heaven’s sake?”

Another grimace. “Because there are – complications – with us, with anyone putting humans on the Moon again. Big complications. Deadly complications. Complications you probably wouldn’t believe. Trust me, we’re not incompetent at NASA. We could have multiple bases on the Moon by now if we wanted to. But we’ve been deliberately dragging our feet on any human mission outside of low Earth orbit since the 1970s. For very good reasons.”

Qui i dettagli:

Scadenza 31 agosto 2019
I profitti verranno equamente suddivisi ed a ciascun autore verrà regalata UNA copia!

1 Mi Piace

Interessante direi. Chissa magari potrei farci un pensierino. Le parole da scrivere non sono tante (cioè in relazione a un romanzo completo 10k parole sono nulla). Sarebbe un ottima occasione per esercitare l’inglese.
Non ho ben capito se l’imput e la fine sono fissi per tutti, oppure sono solo un suggerimento.