Il Glenn Resarch Center coordinerà lo sviluppo del modulo di servizio del CEV segnala che il GRC, negli ultimi tempi a rischio “tagli”, si aggiudica il coordinamento dello sviluppo del modulo di servizio del CEV.
L’operazione movimenterà fondi per 2 miliardi di $.

Qui la nota dell’Associated Press:
e altri particolari

NASA Glenn Research Center will help oversee development of a spacecraft that will return astronauts to the moon, a project worth at least $2 billion and possibly hundreds of jobs over the next decade.

The announcement is a victory for the center, which had been hobbled by staff and program cuts. Other NASA centers also fought for the project.

“This is great news for morale at NASA Glenn, stabilizes the future of the center, and shows that Ohio will continue to be a major player in NASA’s vision for space exploration for years to come,” U.S. Sen. Mike DeWine of Ohio said in a statement.

Come disse Gus Grissom agli operai della McDonnell : “Beh,fate un buon lavoro”.