The Space Review - 2007-02-26

Welcome to this week’s issue of The Space Review:

A new hope for export control reform?

Stringent export control regulations have been the bane of the
American space industry for years with few signs of change. Jeff
Foust reports on whether the change in control of Congress, coupled
with other factors, might present a new window of opportunity to
improve the regulatory environment.

Moving beyond science

Many of the debates about whether and how to explore the Moon center
around science. Gregory Anderson notes that science should be seen
as only one reason of many to return to and settle on the Moon.

Review: The Man Who Ran the Moon

James Webb is often the forgotten man in histories and biographies of
the Apollo era. Eve Lichtgarn reviews a book that gives the former
NASA administrator his due.

Review: The Astronaut Farmer

Is “The Astronaut Farmer”, the tale of one man’s quest to fly in
space, a realistic story? Jeff Foust reviews the movie and find
that, technically, it’s a tough tale to swallow, but that it has
other redeeming qualities.

International community skeptical of US claims of asteroid “threat”

How might the world react to the threat posed by a near-Earth
asteroid? In this satire, Taylor Dinerman uses the asteroid Apophis
to poke fun at international politics.