Vera C. Rubin Observatory - LSST

La LSST Camera è arrivata all’osservatorio Vera Rubin.

Video del viaggio.

This video documents the journey of the LSST Camera from SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory in California to Rubin Observatory on the summit of Cerro Pachón in Chile. The camera arrived on the summit on May 16th, 2024

Il comunicato (via Rubin su Mastodon):

Sull’importanza di questo telescopio.

Edit 15/07/24. Un articolo del CNRS con un po’ di fotografie.

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Time lapse della costruzione. Otto anni in un minuto e mezzo. :rocket:

4 Mi Piace

E’ stato installato lo specchio secondario.

The summit team at the NSF–DOE Vera C. Rubin Observatory in Chile has installed the 3.5-meter glass secondary mirror assembly on the Simonyi Survey Telescope. This achievement marks the successful integration of the first permanent component of the telescope’s optical system, which also includes an 8.4-meter primary/tertiary mirror and the LSST Camera — the largest digital camera in the world.

Prossimi passaggi.

In the coming weeks the Rubin team will re-install the Commissioning Camera, a much smaller version of the LSST Camera, that will be used to conduct a variety of test campaigns on the optical system including both mirrors. The team will also now focus on preparing the primary mirror assembly for telescope integration in August, and the LSST Camera for installation on the telescope later this year.

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L’osservatorio coperto di neve.
(ricorda un po’ la base dei ribelli su Hoth)

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Segnalo alcuni video.

Dr. Becky ha pubblicato una breve introduzione al Vera Rubin, utile per chi ancora non lo conoscesse.

Rubin is one of the most ambitious astronomy projects we’ve ever seen - yes its seen all the usual technological advancements that come with a new observatory - but Rubin stands out due to the sheer scale of what its going to attempt to do. […] Rubin will collect a HUGE amount of data, its estimated that it will detect 20 billion objects in the sky over its 10 year survey, and flag 10 million things that change in the sky each night. Over its 10-year survey, it will collect around 60 petabytes of data! So with all that data, Rubin is set to change the face of astronomy forever, as long as we’re prepared for that deluge of data…

Sul canale YouTube dell’osservatorio invece sono stati pubblicati gli interventi che si sono tenuti a fine luglio al Rubin Community Workshop 2024. Sono tutti piuttosto tecnici - a volte decisamente troppo - ma altrettanto interessanti.

In particolare segnalo:

Commissioning: con una panoramica delle varie fasi che porteranno l’osservatorio a diventare operativo.

Vera Rubin - Creative Commons Attribution 4.0

Rubin Research Spotlights con interventi che descrivono alcune delle ricerche che si baseranno sui dati di LSST.

Citizen Science : il progetto per coinvolgere il pubblico nell’analisi dei dati, simile al progetto Euclid Galaxy Zoo.

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