Conflitto in Ucraina e sue ripercussioni sullo spazio

11 messaggi sono stati spostati in un nuovo Argomento: Componentistica elettronica occidentale in Russia dopo le sanzioni per il conflitto in Ucraina

In merito agli starlink, ma allora il GPS?
Se uso il GPS per far volare in automatico un missile, il GPS diventa un bersaglio?
Se uso Galileo? Allora l’Europa e complice?
Se gli Ukraini usano il Glonass, Putin si abbatte da solo i suoi satelliti?
Direi che è propaganda per darla a bere ai beoti del mondo, quelli che, come bambini, si chiedono se i carri armati russi sono più forti di quelli ukraini.

Però è un bel problema. Fornire servizi che possono avere implicazioni militari. Sono militari o no?
Se sono un acciaieria e il mio acciaio viene usato anche per fare armi, sono un industria militare o no?
Una volta si, perché esistevano industrie nazionali. Adesso che è tutto globalizzato?
In mare si può fermare un mercantile che potrebbe trasportare merce per il “nemico”. Ma un servizio di telecomunicazioni?
Io ho solo domande, non risposte.

1 Mi Piace

Credo ci sia una gradualità di responsabilità etica nelle possibili applicazioni dei prodotti…. Ad esempio: Il fabbricante di viti fornisce un prodotto che può aiutare ad assemblare una macchina per la TAC oppure una bomba sporca di un terrorista. Chi realizza il “casco” per la sedia elettrica invece…. Si tratta di quella che H. Jonas definisce “martellinita’” del martello: con un martello posso fare diverse cose, ma certamente è ottimizzato è finalizzato (anche se non totalmente) a percuotere chiodi…

buongiorno, sperando di non essere troppo off topic, ieri sera è stato segnalato un “botto” sopra Kyiv, sono partite le solite ilazioni tra 1) rientro del satellite nas Rhessi 2) un bolide 3) attivita bellica. Metto un po di link confidando di non fare danni. Video del “fenomeno” 2) traking del rientro di rhessi . Ne stiamo parlando su un canale TG dove si cerca di seguire le vicende belliche, sse qualcun “del mestiere” volesse dirci la sua, GRAZIE

Da escludere decisamente Rhessi, in quanto l’orbita non passa sopra all’Ucraina.

Se ne sta discutendo nel thread apposito

1 Mi Piace

Gli specialisti di Antonov Ucraina hanno cominciato a smontare i resti del Miriya, preservando tutte le parti potenzialmente ancora riutilizzabili se mai venisse presa la decisione di ricostruire un altro esemplare.

8 Mi Piace

Starlink. Articolo di qualche giorno fa che riassume le vicende di Starlink da inizio guerra e, a dispetto del titolo, non racconta granché di nuovo:

Recent intel report reveals new starlink vulnerabilities, increasing concerns about the future of global satellite internet

In a technical report obtained by The Debrief, Ukraine’s chief counterintelligence agency accused Russia’s military intelligence agency (GRU) of conducting “large-scale cyber attacks to obtain unauthorized access to Android devices possessed by Ukrainian military personnel for planning and performing combat missions.”

At least ten different types of malicious software were reportedly uncovered by SBU, including one that’s “functional purpose is to gather data from the Starlink satellite system.”

… ma che ha un passaggio interessante su Musk

The New York Times reported that diplomats from at least nine countries, “including in Europe and the Middle East,” had raised concerns with American officials about Starlink’s hegemony over the strategically significant field of satellite internet.

Speaking on a condition of anonymity, as they were not authorized to speak on the record, a senior official from the U.S. Intelligence Community told The Debrief that unease with Starlink had been discussed by the intelligence services of virtually every major U.S. ally.

“The lack of regulation, oversight, and being dependent on the whims of Elon is an issue for many people,” the official said.

… e mi ha fatto scoprire:

  • un articolo del WP di aprile sui tentativi russi di bloccare / disturbare la rete Starlink. Le informazioni provengono dai “Discord Leak” del Pentagono:

Russia tests secretive weapon to target SpaceX’s Starlink in Ukraine

Moscow has experimented for months with its Tobol electronic warfare systems in a bid to disrupt Starlink’s transmissions in Ukraine, the top-secret assessment, which has not been previously disclosed, contends.

The document, among a cache of sensitive materials leaked online through the messaging platform Discord, dates to March and does not indicate whether any of Russia’s tests have been successful. But the intelligence finding is striking nonetheless as it appears to affirm what observers had only hypothesized previously: that a program ostensibly designed to protect the Kremlin’s satellites can be employed instead to attack those used by its adversaries.

  • un articolo del 2020 - quindi pre-guerra - molto dettagliato sulla guerra elettronica spaziale russa che descrive anche il sistema Tobol citato lì sopra.

Russia gears up for electronic warfare in space
parte 1:
parte 2:

Electronic warfare has gained tremendous significance in Russia’s military doctrine over the past decade or so. Its status within the Russian armed forces rose to a new level in 2009 with the establishment of the Electronic Warfare Troops and the formation of a headquarters for the EW commander within the General Staff. This has enhanced coordination within the EW domain, improved the integration with other branches of the armed forces, and facilitated the procurement of new EW technology. Since then, Russia has consistently invested in EW modernization and fielded a variety of new EW systems to augment the capabilities of all service branches. Some of them have been tested on the battlefield in Eastern Ukraine and Syria.

1 Mi Piace

Notizia secondo me interessante.

tl;dr: AFP ha visionato un documento che attesta l’acquisto da parte di una società controllata dal fu Prigozhin di due satelliti cinesi e della fornitura di immagini.

According to a contract seen by AFP written in English and Russian and signed on November 15, 2022, the company Beijing Yunze Technology Co Ltd sold two high resolution observation satellites belonging to the Chinese space giant Chang Guang Satellite Technology (CGST) to Nika-Frut, a company then part of Prigozhin’s commercial empire.

The over $30 million (235 million yuan) price was for the satellites themselves and additional services.

The contract also provides for the provision of images on demand, which allowed Wagner to obtain satellite pictures both of Ukraine and areas in Africa where its mercenaries were active including Libya, Sudan, Central African Republic and Mali, the European security source told AFP, asking not to be named.

Mi chiedo - dall’articolo non riesco a capirlo - se i cinesi abbiano effettivamente venduto i satelliti (mi pare poco plausibile e 30 milioni sembra comunque una cifra troppo bassa) o non piuttosto il diritto d’uso per un qualche periodo di tempo.

Un’altra cosa interessante è che le immagini sono state utilizzate anche durante l’ammutinamento e seguente “marcia su Mosca” della Wagner.

According to this source, Wagner even ordered images of Russian territory at the end of May 2023, all along the route between the Ukrainian border and Moscow that was seized by Wagner’s forces at the end of June, during the brief mutiny.

Ai tempi si disse che tanto il governo degli Stati Uniti che quello Russo conoscessero in anticipo l’operazione di Prigozhin, chissà se questo non è stato uno dei canali attraverso cui è filtrata l’informazione.

In ogni caso gli USA erano a conoscenza dei rapporti tra Prigozhin e l’azienda cinese, che infatti è finita nella lista delle imprese sotto sanzione.

The supply of Chinese satellite data to Wagner appears already known for Washington, with the US Commerce Department, based on a decision of a multi-department commission, announcing on February 24 it would be adding Beijing Yunze Co. Technology to its sanctions list, as well as the satellite image broker Head Aerospace Technology.

1 Mi Piace

Alcuni articoli sul jamming del segnale GPS. Gli attacchi si sono svolti nelle ultime settimane e vengono attribuiti alla Russia.

- 25-26 dicembre

Parts of Poland, Lithuania, southern Sweden, and other countries in the Baltic region had an unexpected Christmas present this year. GPS signals were disrupted and not available in many areas on the 25th and 26th of December. Poland seemed to be particularly impacted, with the northern two-thirds of the country affected and many users on the ground and in the air having to make do without reliable service.

- 31 dicembre

ERR reports that the was the most interference in Estonia on the 31st of December. images show that wide-scale interference observed along the country’s eastern border and southern parts. Significant GPS signal interference was also observed in Latvia and eastern parts of Finland.

- 16 gennaio (nei tweet ci sono le mappe)

Yesterday, Russians tested EW in Kaliningrad, so almost half of Poland and the Suwalki corridor were left without GPS

I think the Baltic Jammer started tonight 21:20Z and that it ran on high effect for just a short while.
Effects, by my metrics, are seen very far from suspected source in Kaliningrad. Much further than possible via radio-emission from one spot.

Polish news outlet Radio Zet portal reported “over northern and central Poland, the GPS signal was again jammed,” with Warsaw, Łódź, Tricity and Olsztyn among cities affected and that Swedish military intelligence agency MUST was investigating the cause.

2 Mi Piace

Sul possibile impiego di Starlink da parte delle forze armate russe, smentito (?) dall’azienda.

Da notare che “is not active in Russia” ≠ non attivo nei territori occupati dalla Russia. E infatti negli articoli segnalati qui sotto si legge:

While the Starlink network doesn’t work in Russia, it is now able to be used in the four annexed regions and in Crimea, which Putin annexed from Ukraine in 2014, Russian news outlet ComNews reported. [Newsweek]

Most Russian Starlink sellers note that the receiving equipment will not work on the territory of the Russian Federation, and do not hide the fact that they are buying them for use in the special military operation (SVO) zone: in the Donetsk and Lugansk people’s republics, as well as in the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions. On the Internet page of the Top Machines store it is clearly stated: “Sale of Starlink for NWO and new territories.” […] [ComNews]

“Most of the ordered equipment immediately goes to the Northern Military District,” the manager of one of the Russian online stores told a ComNews correspondent. “ Starlink works both on our side and on the opposite side. Almost the entire Crimea is on Starlinks.” [ComNews]

L’articolo (in russo) di ComNews è qui:

Su Telegram si trova un video di un supporter russo che mostra vari terminali nuovi.

One of the Russian volunteer efforts I profile on a regular basis, KatyaValya that is based in Donbas, is displaying their recent purchase of DJI drones and Starlink terminals.


Come anticipavo sopra la notizia è ripresa da Newsweek:

A source in the satellite communications market, familiar with the situation, told ComNews that Starlink systems are being delivered in bulk to Russia, and named Dubai as the location for the wholesale purchase of the equipment.

“Before being imported into Russia, terminals are registered under various foreign companies (Cyprus is often included), after which an account is activated under any name, often a fictitious one,” the source said.

The manager of one company supplying equipment for military needs emphasized that regular units under the Russian Armed Forces are banned from using Starlink equipment, and said they are used only by volunteer units.

e Defense One

Edit. Articolo del 12 febbraio che conferma la notizia.

In general, sellers promise that their terminals will operate uninterruptedly in the occupied territories of Ukraine, including Crimea, as well as in the European exclave of the Russian Federation, Kaliningrad, and Kamchatka near Japan.

At the same time, SpaceX previously turned off the Starlink system over Crimea, thus disrupting the operations of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Company founder Elon Musk then referred to “US sanctions” and the lack of instructions from the Pentagon to turn on the system over the annexed peninsula.

All terminals on sale are already configured and ready for use . Available - “versions V1, V2 RV and SL Global”, their cost varies from 240 to 299 thousand rubles depending on the site. Payment is accepted in cash or by card, and the Miele online store of household appliances , which also sells equipment that is nominally unavailable in the Russian Federation, is ready to accept a transfer from a legal entity.

Nota: discussione in corso anche in altra sezione.

2 Mi Piace

Io ne parlavo di là perché queste notizie sono attività dello spazio e sue ripercussioni nel conflitto in Ucraina non viceversa :slight_smile:

1 Mi Piace

Penso sia rilevante in entrambe le sezioni. Segnalavo la vostra discussione perché qui è in vigore la moderazione stretta mentre di là penso ci si possa accapigliare senza essere lanciati fuori dall’airlock dall’adminbot. :rocket: :cold_face: :skull:

3 Mi Piace

Situazione sembra peggiorare. Articolo con aggiornamenti.

Russian jamming is now messing up GPS signals for Norwegian aviation practically every day

There were 122 days with GPS jamming that hit Norway’s northeast corner in 2022 and 294 days in 2023. In 2021, before Putin ordered tens of thousands of troops to attack Ukraine, GPS jamming in the airspace over Finnmark were reported 18 days. […] Since late last year, the Baltic Sea region has also seen a sharp increase in GPS jamming, both in frequency and size of affected areas. Russia’s military has activated jamming around airports inside the country as a countermeasure to stop Ukrainian drone strikes. Some of the disturbances seen in border regions are caused by such interference, while other jamming is more deliberately aimed at the neighboring countries’ airspace.

EDIT 02.03

La mappa per seguire giorno per giorno il jamming del segnale GPS.

1 Mi Piace

Ora sì!
Usov si è spostato in Italia e ha portato la sua azienda da noi.
Ora ha raccolto altri 4 milioni di finanziamenti.

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