Astronauta Michael Barratt

Dati personali

Nome Michael Barratt
Data di nascita 1959-04-16
Nazionalità :us:
Tipo Governativo
Affiliazione National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Status In attività
Tempo nello spazio 446 giorni, 15 ore, 22 minuti, 42 secondi [1]
Tempo in EVA 5 ore, 37 minuti
Wikipedia Michael_Reed_Barratt

Note biografiche

(Traduzione automatica) Michael Reed Barratt is an American physician and a NASA astronaut. Specializing in aerospace medicine, he served as a flight surgeon for NASA before his selection as an astronaut, and has played a role in developing NASA’s space medicine programs for both the Shuttle-Mir Program and International Space Station. His first spaceflight was a long-duration mission to the International Space Station, as a Flight Engineer in the Expedition 19 and 20 crew. In March 2011, Barratt completed his second spaceflight as a crew member of STS-133.


Dal Al Destinazione Lancio Veicolo spaziale
International Space Station Sojuz-FG | Sojuz TMA-14 Sojuz TMA-14
International Space Station Space Shuttle Discovery / OV-103 | STS-133 Space Shuttle Discovery
International Space Station Falcon 9 Block 5 | Crew-8 Crew Dragon Endeavour


Expedition Ruolo Inizio Fine Durata
Expedition 19 Flight Engineer 2009-03-28 2009-05-29 61:23:29:00
Expedition 20 Flight Engineer 2009-05-29 2009-10-11 135:00:02:00
Expedition 70 Flight Engineer 2023-09-26 2024-04-06 192:14:13:57
Expedition 71 Flight Engineer 2024-04-06 2024-09-23 170:04:42:33
Expedition 72 Flight Engineer 2024-09-23 - In corso

Ultimo aggiornamento: 2025-01-09T00:20:14 con AstronautiBOT 15.1 - Fonte: LaunchLibrary2 API

  1. Per gli astronauti attualmente in volo questo dato è aggiornato all’ultimo aggiornamento di questa scheda. ↩︎